Quantum Suicide

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Ever thought of killing yourself. Well, if you have, I may have some bad news for you. Quantum suicide (or known as Quantum Immortality) is the THEORY (placing great emphasis on theory) that a person would never spiritually die.
If you want to test this out ( I'm not responsible if you do actually commit suicide), you need to get hold of a lethal weapon as well as a machine which measures the spin value of a photon (available in B&Q). Okay, now set this up. I personally don't know how to do this, but connecting the machine to the gun via crocodile clips and wire would be sufficient enough. Hokay? Well, now it gets to the tricky bit. Set the spin value metre to measure the photon every 10 seconds. The orientation would either set the gun off ( you die), or it doesn't ( you live). Now, it's not all doom and gloom as you have a 50/50 chance of living*. Well, now it gets confusing. Since there is a 50/50 chance that you will live/die, the weapon will be eventually triggered. However, you will not witness this act happening, as it will always be seen (in your universe) as the gun either being jammed or not working. This is the "Many Worlds Interpretation" where the experiments gets split up, where you cease physical life in one world, but simply survive into another world. I do not know how you travel to this "other" universe but theories say that you do not physically move, but your "soul" moves to this universe. What I'm trying to say is............well, its utter bullshit and I advice you to live your life to the max and don't be pressurised into following the system.

*As well as dying lolololol