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Well, I think most of you have already heard about this new (AMERICAN) action/thriller/mystery series on channel 5. Its shown on Monday nights but I just watch the re-runs on Friday afternoon. Makes my life much easier. Anyway, its still on its third episode so if you want to watch the programme, its not too late to start. (I missed the second episode and I still know the plot so far.) Well, anyway, my New York correspondent has warned me that the show will become very confusing after the 4th episode, so if you're not into the "mystery/wtf is going on/mystery" type programmes, then I advice you to stop reading and do something else. Well, better start the analysis of last nights show, or to be precise, last Monday nights show. Okay, I just realised that I forgot half the stuff that happened last night so I'll just talk about the good stuff. The main thrust of the episode was pivoted around a Nazi prisoner who apparently had some information about the blackout. Yes, I know, the addition of Nazi's in the show has sparked controversy but I don't see not big deal. They could have replaced him with a KKK member and I still would not have reacted in a shocked and (OMFG they did not just put an extremist racist paedophile rapist onto a hit American prime time tv slot) manner. But oh well, if people want to act that way, it's fine by me. ANYWAY, the lead character whose name I still don't know saw this Nazi guy in his flash forward. So he travelled to Berlin and after 20 mins of wasted screen time, he came to a SHOCKING and NOT PREDICTABLE decision of releasing the dude out of jail in return of vital info. Which only lead to him talking about birds. To be honest, it was a pretty crap episode. There was a dude smoking marijuana and the Chinese guy received a death threat which predicted the time and date he was going to die. In my opinion, it's Final Destination, but in the form of a TV programme.