09:54 Edit This 0 Comments »

Its that time of the year

Now you can scientifically rate someone you like :) ....or hate :(

09:49 Edit This 0 Comments »

I thought I'd share a good website with
Its called and
it enables you to scientifically judge
a person's looks.
Its rates you out of 10 and gives you
the areas which need developing on.
As you can see. I got a 8.34 out of
10. =)
Try it out asshole. Bet no one will
get a higher score then me ;)

13:32 Edit This 0 Comments »
Well, making a coca cola can pyramid was too easy. So I decided to take it one step further and make a COCA COLA FRIGGING SUIT. I have done some calculations and found out that I need 85 cans to complete this idea. So far I only have yeh......donate some coca cola cans to me :)
Picture very much related

Coca Cola 100 Can Pyramid Challenge

03:33 Edit This 0 Comments »

My friend recently bet me £2.00 that I would not be able to build a pyramid consisting of 100 coca-cola cans. Well, this is day 3 of the challenge and the structure of the pyramid is looking good.
Picture Unrelated

Ben doesn't have a girlfriend anymore...

12:55 Edit This 0 Comments »

This blog isnt all doom and gloom though.
Check out this website I found It allows you to make cube characters....HOW AWESOME IS THAT


17:05 Edit This 0 Comments »
Just thought I'd share that.

13:53 Edit This 0 Comments »

  • Well, basically.....THE ROYAL MAIL ARE GOING ON STRIKE:)
  • :/ ok fuck it....I really cant be asked for this today. So I'm just going to leave you with a picture of a postman.

It's Paramore, But Not Quite As We Know Them.

13:34 Edit This 0 Comments »

We all seem to know Paramore for their ridiculously over-played title song to the Twilight Film phenomenon, 'Decode'.

Well this album shows them at their best yet. Drummer Zac sets down strong beats while good guitar work by lead guitarist Josh and full lines from bassist Jeremy make this album easy to listen to.
But don't take that completely by face value. Even though there are easy pop songs on this record, there are also interesting creative explorations that really work.

Worth the listen.

4/5  (Key Track: Ignorance, Favourite Track: Misguided Ghosts, Singles: Ignorance, Brick by Boring Brick.)


10:50 Edit This 0 Comments »

Special Blog from my chinky pal Adrian

14:02 Edit This 0 Comments »
This endless and failing humorous list goes on, but it all simply accounts for one race, the CHINESE (otherwise known as chinks. But unless you ARE a ‘chink’ u have no right of calling a china man a ‘chink’. Just like you can’t call black people ‘n*****’ if you ain’t black) The Chinese populate a very BIG majority of the world, for two very good reasons. Firstly, we have a big population. Not sure how that happened, but 1.3 billion chinks are in china, alone. God knows the population of the other chinks in the world. And thinking about it now, I realise that many chinks have migrated abroad to western countries, such as the UK as we live now. However, it seems to be a one way system, since you hardly hear/see/or know ANY white guy who has migrated to China or chinky countries… Secondly, we make everything. And somehow that makes us big.

12:40 Edit This 0 Comments »
Well, I think most of you have already heard about this new (AMERICAN) action/thriller/mystery series on channel 5. Its shown on Monday nights but I just watch the re-runs on Friday afternoon. Makes my life much easier. Anyway, its still on its third episode so if you want to watch the programme, its not too late to start. (I missed the second episode and I still know the plot so far.) Well, anyway, my New York correspondent has warned me that the show will become very confusing after the 4th episode, so if you're not into the "mystery/wtf is going on/mystery" type programmes, then I advice you to stop reading and do something else. Well, better start the analysis of last nights show, or to be precise, last Monday nights show. Okay, I just realised that I forgot half the stuff that happened last night so I'll just talk about the good stuff. The main thrust of the episode was pivoted around a Nazi prisoner who apparently had some information about the blackout. Yes, I know, the addition of Nazi's in the show has sparked controversy but I don't see not big deal. They could have replaced him with a KKK member and I still would not have reacted in a shocked and (OMFG they did not just put an extremist racist paedophile rapist onto a hit American prime time tv slot) manner. But oh well, if people want to act that way, it's fine by me. ANYWAY, the lead character whose name I still don't know saw this Nazi guy in his flash forward. So he travelled to Berlin and after 20 mins of wasted screen time, he came to a SHOCKING and NOT PREDICTABLE decision of releasing the dude out of jail in return of vital info. Which only lead to him talking about birds. To be honest, it was a pretty crap episode. There was a dude smoking marijuana and the Chinese guy received a death threat which predicted the time and date he was going to die. In my opinion, it's Final Destination, but in the form of a TV programme.

Peep Show

12:06 Edit This 0 Comments »
Peep show, is possibly not one of the best comedy programs ever made, but it possibly has helped showcase one of the finest comedy duos found on the screen, using witty political humour to force belly aches out of the common public without having to mention rubber penises or anal rape.

Last nights episode featured more or less, an insight to clubbing London, where the intrepid duo host a puke proof, alcohol and lasagne filled party. Its main goal, getting into Dobbys internet nerd nickers! And of course, getting people to like it, and not being caught by the officials for too much unnecessary banter.

Cameo appearance from Matt King as Super Hans, coming to party with a stylish poisonous/harmless snake, proved to be be an interesting extra 'your paying for this snake to be dry cleaned'. Whilst the sexy Veri Filatova showed us the full extent of her clumsy acting and eyelash battering, proving fantastic eye candy, but contemplation about this possible burlesque stripper.

To round off, Peep show last night provided laughs, provided gasps (a snake in salad mixer!) and provided sex (to an extent). A cocktail of enjoyment, much better than the piss served down at british summer fetes, and giving us more to remember by rather than David Mitchells Hair.

Sports Update #2

12:58 Edit This 0 Comments »
Right, following on from my first post, England won 3-0 against Belarus, yet the main talking point after the match was, as it often is nowadays, David Beckham. DoB came on around the hour mark, but it was his beard this time which commanded as much attention as his sterling efforts in lifting the England team.

Maybe it was his way of trying to show he’s the senior guy in the England team and a way of scaring off his competitors for the right wing berth. As we can be pretty certain that SWP, Aaron Lennon and Theo Walcott definitely are not capable of growing such a beastly thing. Beckham’s reply however when he was inevitable asked the question was ‘I haven’t been bothered to shave’.....fair enough.

Given his influence as a leading style icon, will other men now follow his example and stop shaving. Only time will tell.


Looking towards the restarting of the Premier league this weekend after the interlull, I’m predicting Arsenal to cruise victory over Birmingham..a match which has special importance seeing as the last time the two sides met, 2 seasons ago, Eduardo suffered that horrific injury and Gallas had his on pitch tantrum. A match that subsequently led to Arsenal losing there place at the top of the league in the home run.

Looking at the other matches it looks like my fantasy league team will be suffering after Torres and Rooney’s injuries. But I don’t live in the fantasy world, and so in reality it’s great news.


Teenager Daniel Keating’s has become the first British male gymnast to win a medal in the men’s all around event after taking silver last night at the World Championship taking place at the O2 Arena.

Finally blog owner Ben Cevik requested that i post this behind the scenes pictures taken just before QE whitewashed USC.


Careers Evening turnout :)

14:05 Edit This 0 Comments »

Tbh, it wasn't that bad. Met a few interesting people. The best part was receiving the freebies (as seen on the left). Nothing much to talk about really. CBA for the daily news update cause im sooooooooooooooooooooo tired. So here's something I found whilst browsing youtube....


10:26 Edit This 0 Comments »
Well, today was really crap. To make things even more awkward, I Have to go to Careers Evening!!!!
WTF....I have no clue what profession I'm going to choose later on in life but still, I have to go and talk to strangers in front of my parents whilst they tell me I need.......shit I need to go now...cya ill update what happens

Todays News

11:04 Edit This 0 Comments »

UK is to send more troops to Afghanistan
Gordon Brown says the UK will send 500 more forces personnel to Afghanistan - but only if key conditions are met.

So, how about some fun facts:
  • Britain is one of 26 countries which make up the multi-national force in Iraq. It has the second-largest representation in the country - after the U.S.
  • At its height - during the early stages of the invasion - the number of British troops in Iraq numbered some 46,000. After the initial invasion, the number dropped to 8,600.
  • There are currently about 9,000 UK troops stationed in Afghanistan.
  • There are also 150 reserve troops in the country which the Ministry of Defence said would be available for further temporary deployments.
Mr Brown defended the UK's continued presence in Afghanistan, saying a "safer Afghanistan was a safer Britain".
He also stated:

"When the safety of our country is at stake, we cannot and we will not walk away," he said. "We have the right strategy and we will see it through."

Mr. Cameron on the other hand argued against Browns descisions of sending more troops.

Mr Cameron said the welfare of British troops returning from combat needed to be "fundamentally re-examined" with more resources for helping badly injured troops.

He also said it was "totally unacceptable" some troops were not properly prepared for going to Afghanistan, mentioning the case of a Territorial Army soldier he said had told him he was not getting full training or pay.

Sports Update #1

13:32 Edit This 1 Comment »

It seems Steven Gerard has been ruled out of England’s midweek tie against Belarus, which frankly I don’t care about, for the following reasons:
• The only Belarusian person i have ever heard of is Alexander Hleb
• England have already qualified
• The only time I’d switch on a England match is if I’m trying to sleep early.

Benitez has been warned by the FA for making an "objectively offensive" gesture after a 2-1 defeat by Tottenham on 16 August. I think this is referring to the time he responded to a question about referee, Phil Dowd by removing his glasses from a pocket and examining them. He’s a cool dude.

The man with no first name, Alex, has signed a new four year contract with Chelsea...actually maybe Alex is his first name and he has no surname. He had this to say "I am very happy to start again to train and feel no pain, and to sign for four more years," said Alex. Don’t be surprised if after his contract expires he goes into rapping...for it’s an impressive ability to be to able to use four rhyming words in a sentence which that still makes sense, in your 3rd language.

I must now come to an end as a fellow classmate of mine has just informed me that I have some pending History work due tomorrow, and as I am still captive to the torturous institution that is now days known as ‘school’ I have no choice but to complete it.


How I'm going to run this BLOG

11:36 Edit This 0 Comments »
Yo, so basically, I will do certain different topics and activities on different days.
These will include:
  • A dare a day. (created by Hasan Riyaz), well, basically, I will be told to do a dare in public and someone will record it.
  • Daily News
  • Music Video of the week
  • Song of the Week
  • Any interesting stuff in my life
And many more.
So stick around and enjoy

09:41 Edit This 1 Comment »
Every day news, every day. Here on Ben's Blog. Well, today, like yesterday, was pretty boring. Nothing interesting happened in the world of news. A guy died who was in Boyzone apparently. That's about it. Sorry for the lack of news guys. Don't blame me, blame the news channels.


13:10 Edit This 0 Comments »

this song is class, even tho its a tad old